язык курса
длительность курса
понадобится для освоения
для зачета в своем вузе
Insufficiently developed skills in constructive communication lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between employees and managers. As a result, effectiveness of business processes, project work and the quality of services are reduced. This applies to any team and organization, and in a broad sense - to society as a whole.
The course will help to:
Who is this course for?
Employed people of 21-45 years who have the professional and personal need to take such a course. For those who appreciate the opportunity of not wasting time on offline meetings.
Course Structure
The entire course is designed for 6 weeks. As part of this course, the following subsections will be available to you:
What will you learn:
The ability to use various methods of effective communication; to give and receive constructive feedback; to regulate one's emotions in the process of communication; to actively approach the process of listening to another, thus speeding up interaction and increasing its effectiveness; to work in a national and international team as a member or team leader.
The ability to demonstrate practical skills to solve problems in the process of communication with other people; a systematic understanding of the topic of constructive communication and its use in the process of work and team management; a systematic understanding of technologies and processes in the field corresponding to the educational program; an in-depth understanding of the topic of effective and constructive interaction.
язык курса
длительность курса
понадобится для освоения
для зачета в своем вузе
Должность: Visiting Professor at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of iNTG, Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V. (BDP) - Licensed Coach
По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.
Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности при оплате до 2 марта - 2800, далее - 3600 ₽.
Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.