  • Английский

    язык курса

  • 7 недель

    длительность курса

  • от 4 до 5 часов в неделю

    понадобится для освоения

  • 1 зачётная единица

    для зачета в своем вузе

By means of this course, we would like to help young people to form their professional activity and career vision that would contribute to their professional development.

О курсе

Would you like to manage your own professional development productively? Would you like to understand what influences you when building a career and how you can influence this process? This course is made to help you meet these needs.

Being aimed at the formation and development of soft skills, this course will help you to gain an understanding of successful professional activity components, as well as to form the ability to build the trajectory of professional development. You will learn to look at your professional activities so that the most important factors of your development do not escape you. You will get acquainted with ideas and tools that will allow you to ensure confident progress in your professional activities and generally improve the quality of your life.

Our course focuses on developing students' ability to manage their own professional development. The course is easy to study.


The entire course is designed for 4 weeks. As part of this course, the following subsections will be available to you:

  • Video-lectures. Each topic of the module contains one or several video lectures that reveal the topic.
  • Additional reading materials. Additional reading materials are the summaries of video-lecture with additional examples, transcribed text and links to extra materials.
  • Tests. 

Программа курса

Module 1. How do we manage our professional activity?

Module 2. In what conditions do we manage our professional activity?

Module 3. How do we form and strengthen our professional position?

Module 4. How can we use motivation and discipline in our professional activity?

Результаты обучения

  • To form an idea of professional activities management and the factors influencing it.
  • To develop the ability of directed and conscious impact on professional activities implementation.

Меркурьев Владимир Владимирович

Кандидат экономических наук, доцент
Должность: доцент кафедры теории и технологий управления, Кузбасский государственный технический университет им. Т.Ф. Горбачева

Томилин Кирилл Валерьевич

Должность: Старший преподаватель кафедры теории и технологий управления, Кузбасский государственный технический университет им. Т.Ф. Горбачева


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности при оплате до 2 марта - 2800, далее - 3600 ₽. 

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.