
Political Governance and Public Policy in Russia

21 декабря 2022 - 31 декабря 2025 г.
Курс уже начался
280 дней
До конца записи
  • Английский

    язык курса

  • 6 недель

    длительность курса

  • от 4 до 5 часов в неделю

    понадобится для освоения

  • 2 зачётных единицы

    для зачета в своем вузе

  • Стоимость 3 600 Р

    за обучение

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.

О курсе

The course is designed to study the features of the political structure of modern Russia. It contains both general information on the institutional, procedural and value components of the political system and public policy in Russia, as well as a description of the problems, contradictions and prospects for the political development of the country. The course contains three main modules: (1) the political system and regime in Russia: state institutions, political parties, civil society; (2) the public policy process in Russia: the mechanisms for elaborating, adopting and implementing policies and decisions; (3) directions and problems of economic and social policy in Russia: development based on stabilization. The course is aimed at those listeners who want to gain systematic knowledge of politics in Russia, as well as those who are focused on studying Russia's political development in complex and uncertain contexts. Studying the course students can choose the level of the course (general or in-depth), focusing on video material, information, discussions, forums, evaluations and interactive communication with teachers. The advanced level of the course development assumes the active participation of students in discussions, forums and project assignments. The overall mission of the course is to develop students' objective political knowledge about Russia and their ability to make critical scientific analysis and assessment.


The course is taught completely online.


Level of English: B1.

Программа курса

Model 1. Russian Political System: Constitutional Design and Regime Constellation

Model 2. Russian party system and civic society

Model 3. Russian Public Policy Stages: From Stabilization and ‘2GDP’ to Modernization and Development

Model 4. Public Administration System: Institutional Capacity Building in Russia

Model 5. Citizens’ Engagement for Improved Policy-Making in Russia

Model 6. Russian public policy and development

Результаты обучения

Upon completion of this course the learners will understand the features of the political structure of modern Russia; know both general information on the institutional, procedural and value components of the political system and public policy in Russia, as well as a description of the problems, contradictions and prospects for the political development of the country.

Формируемые компетенции

The course is aimed at the formation of general learning competencies for Bachelor’s and Specialists’ programs, as well as other competencies included in the education program.

Курс направлен на овледение следующими компетенциями:
владением базовыми и специальными знаниями и навыками теоретического и прикладного характера в области политических наук (ОПК-1);

способностью к критическому анализу, обобщению и систематизации информации, к постановке целей профессиональной деятельности и выбору оптимальных путей и методов их достижения (ОПК-6);

способностью рационально организовывать и планировать свою деятельность, применять полученные знания для формирования собственной жизненной стратегии (ОПК-7);

способностью давать характеристику и оценку отдельным политическим событиям и процессам, выявляя их связь с экономическим, социальным и культурным контекстом, а также с объективными тенденциями и закономерностями развития политической системы в целом (ОПК-9).

Направления подготовки

Отзывы о курсе

Neverov Kirill

Должность: Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Governance

Smorgunov Leonid

Должность: Professor at the Department of Political Governance

Sherstobitov Aleksandr

Должность: Associate professor in the Department of Political Governance

Volkova Anna

Должность: Professor in the Department of Political Governance


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.

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