
Chinese in 5 Steps: Getting Started with Pronunciation

10 августа 2022 - 31 декабря 2025 г.
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276 дней
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Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.

О курсе

Pronunciation is one of the most important and complicated parts of the Chinese language. This course is aimed at those who want to start learning Chinese and can be supplemented with the course 'Fundamentals of Chinese character writing'.

In this course, learners are going to get acquainted with the phonetic system of the Chinese language, master the pronunciation of all syllables in four tones, and also learn how to overcome the most common pronunciational difficulties.

The course materials are based on pinyin transcription. In the course lectures, the instructor will explain the main patterns of pronunciation, and each sound and syllable will be repeated by native speakers.

The course contains a lot of exercises, so students will be able to strenghten their listening skills and lay the necessary foundation for further language learning.


Distance learning


No prior experience required.

Программа курса

Module 1

1.1. Why Learn Chinese?

1.2. What Kind of Language Are We Learning?

1.3. What Constitutes a Chinese Syllable?

1.4. What are the Tones and How Do You Remember Them?

1.5.  How to Transcribe Chinese?

1.6. Will the Chinese Stop Using Characters?

1.7. Simple Vowel Sounds a, wu, yi

1.8. Consonant Sounds m, f

1.9. Consonant Sounds n, l

1.10. Consonant Sound h

Module 2

2.1. Semi-Voiced Consonant Sounds b, d, g

2.2.  Aspirated Consonant Sounds p, t, k

2.3.  Vowel Sounds yu, e

2.4.  What is Stress in Chinese? Combination 1+1

2.5.  Consonant Sounds s, sh, r

2.6. Affricates ch, c, z, zh

2.7.  Syllables with the Semi-vowel -i

Module 3

3.1. Soft Consonants j, q, x

3.2. Falling Diphthongs

3.3. Adding the Third Tone

3.4. Combinations 1+3 and 3+1

3.5. Endings n, ng

Module 4

4.1. The Fourth Tone. Rising Diphthongs

4.2. Combinations with the Fourth Tone

4.3. Syllables with the Medial i

Module 5

5.1. Syllables with the Medial u

5.2. Syllables with the Medial yu

5.3. Adding the Second Tone

5.4. Combinations 1+2, 2+1, 2+2, 2+3, 2+4, 3+2, 4+2

5.5. Tone Changes for the Third Tone

Module 6

6.1.  The Neutral Tone. Combinations 1+0, 2+0, 3+0, 4+0

6.2. Changing the Tone of a Numeral yī (一)

6.3. Changing the Tone of the Negation 不 (bù)

6.4. Erization

6.5. Reading Three Syllable Words

6.6. Reading Four Syllable Idioms

6.7. Reading Some Simple Phrases

6.8. Reading a Poem

6.9. Reading a Story

Результаты обучения

Upon completion of this program the learners will:

- know the fundamentals of the pronunciation of Chinese sounds and syllables;

- know the rules of pronunciation in different tones;

- know the rules of reading the syllable combinations and tone changes;

- be able to distinguish the sounds and syllables of the Chinese language by ear;

- be able to write down the Chinese syllables using the pinyin transcription;

- pronounce sounds and syllables of the Chinese language according to the pronunciational standards of the Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua)

- change the tones in accordance with the rules of Putonghua;

- have skills of elementary reading and writing of the words using the pinyin transcription.

Формируемые компетенции

1. Готовность к критическому осмыслению явлений социальной и культурной жизни; способность к восприятию, анализу, обобщению информации, постановке цели и выбору путей ее достижения (ОК-1).

2. Способность использовать в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности базовые знания в области гуманитарных, социальных и экономических наук (ОК-3).

3. Владение культурой мышления, способность аргументировано и ясно строить устную и письменную речь (ОК-4).

4. Способность использовать в социальной сфере, в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности навыки работы с компьютером (ОК-5).

5. Владение базовыми навыками сбора и анализа литературных и языковых фактов с использованием традиционных методов и современных информационных технологий ПК-6 – способность применять полученные знания в области теории и истории литературы (литератур) и изучаемого иностранного языка (языков), теории коммуникации, филологического анализа и интерпретации текста в собственной научно-исследовательской деятельности (ПК-3).

Направления подготовки

Отзывы о курсе

Власова Наталья Николаевна

Магистр востоковедения
Должность: старший преподаватель кафедры китайской филологии


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