
Russian for Beginners. Part 1: Alphabet

5 октября 2022 - 31 декабря 2025 г.
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278 дней
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  • 4 недели

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  • 1 зачётная единица

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  • Стоимость 3 600 Р

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Russian is considered to be one of the world's most difficult languages. This course is aimed at helping those who are interested in understanding the basics of the Russian language and preparing learners to further their language acquisition.

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.

Due to payment restrictions with Russian banks, you are kindly advised to make the payment and enroll in the same course on the XuetangX platform.


О курсе

Upon completion of the course, students will have learned: the structure of the Russian alphabet; how to write and read in Russian; how to pronounce Russian words; and recognise particular sounds and words in speech. After completing the course learners can continue to explore the language on Russian for Beginners 1.

The course contains extensive video and audio materials on the basics of Russian phonetics. More than 150 exercises are provided for the learners to apply the knowledge they will learn on the course.


The course is taught completely online.



Программа курса

Unit 1. Introduction to Russian Alphabet

Unit 2. Russian Vowels

Unit 3. Russian Consonants

Unit 4. Revision

Результаты обучения

Upon completion of this course learners will achieve the following learning objectives:

1.1. Learn some basic information about the Russian alphabet.

1.2. Learn what the Russian and English alphabets have in common.

1.3. Learn how to differentiate seemingly similar letters in Russian and English.

1.4. Learn how to write the Russian letters and how to recognise them in texts.

2.1. Learn how to differentiate seemingly similar letters and sounds in Russian and English.

2.2. Learn how to pronounce the Russian vowels and how to recognise them in speech.

2.3. Learn how to write the Russian letters and how to recognise them in texts.

3.1. Learn how to differentiate seemingly similar letters and sounds in Russian and English.

3.2. Learn how to pronounce the Russian consonants and how to recognise them in speech.

3.3. Learn how to write Russian letters and how to recognise them in texts.

4.1. Revise the course material.

4.2. Learn how to pronounce Russian syllables and recognise them in speech.

4.3. Learn how to pronounce simple Russian words and recognise them in speech.

Формируемые компетенции

УК-5: Способен воспринимать межкультурное разнообразие общества в социально-историческом, этическом и философском контекстах.

Направления подготовки

Отзывы о курсе

Косарева Елена Вадимовна

Кандидат филологических наук
Должность: доцент кафедры русского языка как иностранного и методики его преподавания


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.

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