
Digitalization in International Relations

14 December 2022 - 31 December 2025 г.
The course has already started
314 days
Before the end of the enrollment
  • English

    course language

  • 10 weeks

    course duration

  • from 6 to 10 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 2 credit points

    for credit at your university

  • Cost 3 600 Р

    for studying

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.


International relations, diplomacy, and foreign policy are being digitalized. Four aspects of digitalization in international relations are explored in the course, notably digital diplomacy, big data and data diplomacy, global internet governance, and digital electoral technologies. These components have significant impacts on diplomacy, world politics, and on our everyday lives, in particular. 

Digital diplomacy utilizes social media in order to influence foreign audiences and is the most effective element in current diplomacy.
Big data and data diplomacy refer to various methods used to analyze social networks and embrace artificial intelligence in order to cope with foreign policy issues including the challenges of information confrontation. 
Global internet governance comprises problems, multilateral negotiations, and agreements between various stakeholders including states and civil society in regard to questions of international and sovereign control of cyberspace. Issues relating to cybersecurity and information security are also discussed in the course and reviewed in terms of international agendas.
Digital electoral technologies are a rapidly developing area that have not only national but also international dimensions. The digital technologies include the practices around electronic or digital voting that reveal critical problems related to the influence of foreign actors on national elections.  




The course is designed for those who want to update their skills for twenty-first professions including digital diplomacy, digital foreign policy, public diplomacy, and other digital professions applicable in international relations.

Course program

Course Program:
Topic 1. Digitalization in International Relations: Theory and Practice
Topic 2. Digital Diplomacy and Data Diplomacy
Topic 3. Data Science and World Politics
Topic 4. Big Data in Foreign Policy: Methods of Analysis
Topic 5. Internet Governance and International Agendas
Topic 6. Cybersecurity and Information Security
Topic 7. Digitalization of Elections and Voting
Topic 8. Digital Technologies in Electoral Campaigns

Education results

Course participants will gain fundamental knowledge and practical skills regarding how to apply big data analysis, social media methods of analysis, how to build a digital information campaign strategy, how to operate by legal and technical components of global Internet governance in the practice of multilateral negotiations, and how to detect flaws and threats in the field of digital voting. 

Formed competencies

The discipline is aimed at the formation of universal competencies of students in the educational programs of the bachelor's / specialist's degree, as well as other competencies provided for by the educational program.

ОК-1. Способность развивать свой общекультурный и профессиональный уровень.

ОК-3. Способность к адекватной оценке результатов своей профессиональной деятельности.

ОК-5. Способность к систематизации информации с помощью методов, принятых в социальных и гуманитарных науках, способен применять их на практике, в том числе с использованием современных информационных технологий.

ПК-12. Способность оценить влияние основных факторов, определяющих развитие международных отношений и мировой политики.

ПК-17. Способность самостоятельно использовать печатные и электронные источники для поиска информации по любым темам применительно к современным международным отношениям.

Education directions

Отзывы о курсе

Цветкова Наталья Александровна

Доктор исторических наук, Ph.D.(Groningen University, Нидерланды)
Position: профессор, заведующий кафедрой американских исследований СПбГУ

Стадник Илона Тарасовна

Position: Аспирант кафедры американских исследований

Сытник Анна Николаевна

Position: Ассистент кафедры американских исследований

Ярыгин Григорий Олегович

Кандидат политических наук,
Position: доцент кафедры американских исследований


It is possible to get a certificate for this course.

The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 3600 Р.

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