

How to use openedu.ru?

Progress and learning outcomes

Feedback - questions to course team

Questions about certificates

Proctoring - general information

Registration and start of studying

  1. What do you need to start studying?

In order to start training, you need to register on the openedu.ru platform, enter the site and choose the course you like.

To register, you can use your email or social network profile. To activate your account, you need to confirm your mailing address. Check the incoming mail (including the "Spam" folder) in the e-mail address specified during registration: if there is a letter from openedu.ru, follow the link indicated in the body of the letter. Then enter the website and sign up for the course you like by clicking the blue button "Sign up for the course". In case you have not received an email with the activation link, fill out the feedback form on the page https://openedu.ru/feedback or write to student@openedu.ru.

  1. Can non-citizens of the Russian Federation sign up for open courses?

Of course! All you need is an appropriate level of the Russian language to study new disciplines.

  1. Can pupils sign up for open courses?

Yes, they can. Pupils do not need to pass unified national exam (ЕГЭ) or submit documents of basic education to sign up. But it must be taken into account that most courses are designed for the difficulty level of a bachelor program.

  1. Which documents should be provided for signing up for open courses?

There are no required documents for signing up. There are no formal restrictions on studying on the platform.

Technical information

  1. Which browsers and operating systems are supported?

Ensured browsers and operating systems for using courses as a student:

Operating systems: Windows (7, 8, 10), Mac OS

Browsers: Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox

  1. I am a student. Where can I obtain support in case of technical problems?

If you have technical problems, fill out the feedback form on the page https://openedu.ru/feedback or write an email to student@openedu.ru.

For cooperation and contacts with the press, write to pr@npoed.ru.

Learning process

  1. How is the learning process managed?

An online-course is studied up as a program of additional education which is realised only via digital learning. Usually a student is proposed to listen to lectures in video format and complete exercises every week. During the course you can choose a convenient order of lectures and tasks for you personally. A student gains access to learning materials of next week regardless of successfulness and timeliness of previous task implementation. Nevertheless, in case the tasks are not complete with the deadlines, points for their implementation will not be received. For a successful online-course completion a particular number of points is required. If a course had been successfully completed and final tests had been moderated with the help of personal identification technologies, at the end of studying a student receives a certificate. Requirements for certificate reception are described particularly on the page of each course.

More information about certificates https://openedu.ru/certificate/

  1. Can I master a course prematurely?

No, because lectures and tasks come out successively as soon as they are prepared and in accordance with the schedule established by the professor at the beginning of the course.

  1. Is it possible to get access to all course materials at once?

Usually not. Professors release lectures and tasks successively. During the entire course the access to earlier materials remains. You can watch lectures and complete tasks in the order preferable to you personally. Deadlines for tests and tasks are set by professors. It is also possible that in some courses only theory and tasks of the first week will be available during the first days of the course.

  1. When does registration for a course close?

Natively registration is open during the first two weeks from the beginning of a course, but professors have a right to change this time frame on their own.

  1. What to do if you are late to enroll in the course?

You can enroll in the course even when it has already started. Usually you can register during the first two weeks after a start of the course, however, professors can change this time frame.

  1. In how many courses can I enroll simultaneously?

You can study the unlimited number of courses simultaneously. Success of your studies depends only on your possibilities.

  1. Are there any instructions for studies before a course begins?

Usually instructions are not proposed. For courses where particular skills and basic knowledge are necessary, they are specified in a graph “Requirements”. For a higher quality of learning it is recommended to get acquainted with requirements beforehand the studies begin and refresh basic knowledge in memory.

  1. How do I know that the chosen course has started?

At the first day studies a reminder email is sent to your mailbox used by the registration on our platform.

  1. How often do courses that are already over repeat?

Most of online-courses are intended for one semester, therefore it may be expected that an online course will repeat about twice a year.


  1. When will be the first video lecture of the course available?

Usually first materials are open for watching at the day of a course release at 12:00 Moscow time

  1. Is there a timetable for release of new lectures?

There is no tight timetable for release of new lectures. Materials of the course are released gradually, as soon as they are issued. Schedules of lecture release and deadlines for tests are set by professors who lead the course.

  1. According to which timezone lectures are given?

Time for release of new lectures is set automatically for Moscow time (MSK; UTC+3) Do not worry about missing the time of material release: after publication lectures are available round-the-clock so you can watch them at your convenience.

  1. What is the duration of videolectures?

Lecture material is divided into small fragments continuing from 3 to 15 minutes. Duration of fragments is determined by the professor of a course.

  1. Are video files available for download to my computer?

It depends on the settings set by the professor of a course. Usually professors allow students to download lectures and presentations to watch them on computer.

  1. Can I watch recorded video lectures or they are available only in real time mode?

All lectures are available at any time, when you open the website.

  1. Can I watch the materials after the course terminates? Or they won't be accessible?

Every course has its time of beginning and time of terminating, in a period between them all released materials are accessible for a student.

  1. How to find video lectures of the course that has already started?

Open the following:

  1. “My profile”( “Мой профиль”)

  2. “My courses” (“Мои курсы”) - current courses

  3. A desirable course

  4. Tab “Content” (“Содержание курса”)

24. How is a student's level of knowledge tested?

Online courses are divided into modules, each of the modules contains lectures and educational materials and also interactive exercises to reinforce and improve knowledge after learning. By termination of every module there is a test work, soft and strict deadlines for every test are set by the professor of a course. In case a soft deadline is missed, a student will receive penalty points. If a strict deadline is missed, an exercise will not be checked and no points will be gained for this exercise. Tests, exercises and all necessary information are in a graph “Content” (“Содержание курса”). There is a possibility of sending reminder letters and notifications, but usage of them depends on the professor.

25. Tests at the end of each lecture are needed for self-control or points for these tests go to an overall score?

It depends fully on the professor and the chosen structure of a course. Usually points for most of tests go to an overall score, but sometimes there is more than one attempt for passing a test. You can get more information asking the professor during the course in a graph “Discussion” (“Обсуждения”)

26. Do I have to complete the task to get access to the next lecture?

All students regardless of completing or not completing tasks have access to next lectures and other materials of a course. It is possible to watch all lectures and do no exercises. But in this case a student will not terminate a course successfully and will not receive a certificate. Final deadlines for completing tasks and tests and restrictions are set by the professor of a course.

27. Can I ask the professor questions?

You can discuss materials on a forum and also contact the professor directly in case you have difficulties with learning the material. For asking the professor open a graph “Discussion” (“Обсуждения”) which is next to a graph “Content” (“Содержание курса”)

28. Can I discuss materials with other students?

Yes, you can. A discussion is possible not only with students, but also with professors. For a discussion open a graph “Discussion” (“Обсуждения”) which is next to a graph “Content” (“Содержание курса”).

29. Can I take part in a lecture like in a webinar?

No, you can`t. Lectures are provided in a recorded mode. But there is a forum, where students as well as professors can take part in discussion. You can discuss lecture in a graph “Discussion” (“Обсуждения”) which is next to a graph “Content” (“Содержание курса”).

30. How can I pay for a certificate?

You can use the online payment system on the openedu.ru website. Payments are made by payment cards or by “Yandex money” (Яндекс.Деньги) service.

31. Why do not I receive mailing from professors?

Possible reason: you have unsubscribed from a mailing on a course by removing a tick from “receive mailing” (“получать рассылку”) and then by pressing the button “Unsubscribe from mailing”(“Отписаться от рассылки”) (in a graph “My profile” --> “My courses” (“Мой профиль” → “Мои курсы”))

Possible decision: Open “My profile” --> “My courses” (“Мой профиль” → “Мои курсы”) for opening press a portrait icon in the upper right and tick. Confirm the action pressing the green button “Subscribe for mailing” (“Подписаться на рассылку”)