
History of Russia

Learn Russian History with St Petersburg University!

14 июня 2023 - 31 декабря 2025 г.
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278 дней
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  • 3 зачётных единицы

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  • Стоимость 7 560 Р

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The programme tells in detail about the history of Russia from the formation of Slavic tribes to the 21st century. You will get a comprehensive understanding of the stages of the formation of the Russian state and society and learn about  the main periodization of history and the main events of the past.

О программе

Are you looking to get a comprehensive, detailed understanding of Russian history? Then it’s time to enroll in the “History of Russia” programme! Learn all the key eras and pivotal moments that have shaped Russia from antiquity to the present day. Immerse yourself in thousands of years of history and gain the knowledge you need to interpret current events and make your mark on the world. Start your amazing journey through Russian history right now!


Who is this programme for?

This programme is designed for you if you want to:

  • dive into centuries of Russian history and gain a comprehensive understanding of the formation of the Russian state and society;

  • uncover the main periodization of history and the key events that shaped Russia;

  • get a thorough knowledge about past events to analyze modern processes more accurately;

  • unlock a deeper understanding of Russia’s past to have a better grasp on its present.


Who created this program?

The program was created with the support of the “History of Motherland” fund (https://fond.historyrussia.org/) and offers unique lectures by the leading professors of St. Petersburg State University, interesting assignments, interactive maps and much more. 

The online programme “History of Russia” follows the tradition of teaching Russian history at St. Petersburg State University, which is distinguished by its approach to the analysis of historical problems and the scientific understanding of events, periods, epochs in their historical relationship. Thoroughly selected factual material serves as the basis that enables learners to conduct an independent analysis of the history of the Russian state. 


The programme is taught online and includes recorded lectures, tests, and additional materials.


  • The programme does not require any additional knowledge or skills.
  • Программа обучения

    Course “History of Russia: from Ancient Rus to the Time of Troubles”

    Module 1. Ancient Russia.

    Module 2. Russia and the Mongols. Moscow Russia.

    Module 3. The Russian State at the End of the 15th — 16th Centuries.

    Module 4.The Time of Troubles in Russia.


    Course “History of Russia: from Peter the Great to the Revolution”

    Module 1. Russia in the 18th Century.

    Module 2. Russia in the First Half of the 19th Century.

    Module 3. Russia in the Second Half of the 19th Century.

    Module 4. Russia at the Beginning of the XX Century.

    Module 5. Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War.


    Course “History of Russia: from NEP to Modern Times”

    Module 1. Russia in the Years of the New Economic Policy. 1921–1929.

    Module 2. The USSR in the 1930–1940s.

    Module 3. The USSR During the Great Patriotic War.

    Module 4. Foreign and Domestic Policy of the USSR in the Second Half of the XX Century.

    Module 5. The Political Life of Russia.

    Результаты обучения

    Upon completion of the course, learners will shape a structured understanding of the main stages of Russian history, based on facts and concepts that are established and acknowledged in historiography.


    Upon completion of this programme you will:

    • assimilate factual, chronological and terminological material;

    • form an idea of ​​the main trends in the development of Russian society and the state;

    • learn to apply knowledge in practice;

    • acquire the skill of analyzing modern processes in Russian society.

    Дворниченко Андрей Юрьевич

    Доктор исторических наук, профессор
    Должность: заведующий кафедрой истории России с древнейших времён до ХХ в

    Иванов Андрей Александрович

    Доктор исторических наук, доцент
    Должность: Профессор кафедры Новейшей истории России

    Котов Александр Эдуардович

    Доктор исторических наук
    Должность: доцент кафедра истории России с древнейших времён до XX века

    Кривошеев Юрий Владимирович

    Доктор исторических наук, профессор
    Должность: Заведующий кафедрой исторического регионоведения

    Полынов Матвей Федорович

    Доктор исторических наук, профессор
    Должность: профессор кафедры новейшей истории России

    Ратьковский Илья Сергеевич

    Кандидат исторических наук, доцент
    Должность: доцент кафедры новейшей истории России

    Соколов Роман Александрович

    Доктор исторических наук, доцент
    Должность: профессор, и.о.заведующего кафедрой истории западноевропейского искусства

    Сухорукова Анна Сергеевна

    Кандидат исторических наук
    Должность: доцент кафедры исторического регионоведения

    Твердюкова Елена Дмитриевна

    Доктор исторических наук, доцент
    Должность: профессор кафедры новейшей истории России

    The certificate is issued upon completion of all graded tasks of the program.

    Курсы в программе