  • English

    course language

  • 11 weeks

    course duration

  • from 2 to 3 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 2 credit points

    for credit at your university

Every teenager is ready to answer the question - what is 3d printer?

But not every experienced engineer can imagine where and how additive technologies can be applied in mechanical engineering and especially in metallurgy. This is the subject of our online course.


The use of additive technologies is one of the clearest examples of how new developments and equipment can significantly improve traditional manufacturing. 

We will consider what additive technologies are for the metallurgical and machine-building industries. For what purposes it is possible to use selective laser fusion, laser cladding and finally detonation spraying.

Which of the world's leading steel companies are already interested in these technologies and how additive technologies can change our future.


The entire course is designed for 6 weeks. As part of this course, the following subsections will be available to you: 

  • Video-lectures. Each topic of the module contains one video lecture that reveals the topic.  
  • Lecture notes
  • Tests. You'll have 4 obligatory tests, selfchecking tests and final exam test.

Course program

Module 1. Metallurgical and mechanical engineering industries as an application of additive technologies

Module 2. Object digitization and 3d prototyping

Module 2. Object digitization and 3d prototyping

Module 4. Thermal spraying

Module 5. Laser metal deposition

Module 6. Direct metal deposition

Education results

At the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Additive technologies: what is it?
  • Applications of additive technologies in mechanical engineering;
  • Applications of additive technologies in metallurgy;
  • Prototyping: value and functions;
  • Application of selective laser fusion in mechanical engineering;
  • Powder materials for SLM technology;
  • Gas-thermal spraying of functional coatings; 
  • Detonation spraying application in metallurgy and mechanical engineering; 
  • Microstructure and properties of coatings produced by detonation spraying;
  • Restoration of parts and accessories with laser cladding;
  • The areas of application of complex shape products obtained by direct laser;
  • The areas of application of complex shape products obtained by Direct Metal Dposition;
  • Microstructure and properties during Direct Metal Deposition

Радионова Людмила Владимировна

Кандидат технических наук, доцент
Position: Доцент кафедры процессов и машин обработки металлов под давлением, Южно-уральский государственный университет


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности при оплате до 1 марта — 2300, далее — 3600 ₽.

A participant certificate is usually issued upon reaching 60 % of the overall rating, subject to the delivery of works before a hard deadline. The honors certificate is usually issued upon reaching 90 % of the overall rating, subject to the delivery of the work before the soft deadline.