  • English

    course language

  • 9 weeks

    course duration

  • about 3 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 2 credit points

    for credit at your university

Insufficiently developed skills in constructive communication lead to misunderstandings and conflicts between employees and managers. As a result, effectiveness of business processes, project work and the quality of services are reduced. This applies to any team and organization, and in a broad sense - to society as a whole.


The course will help to:

  • Improve interaction with people around - increase its effectiveness
  • Learn to formulate and communicate your thoughts and ideas more clearly, be heard
  • Accelerate routine processes (due to the ability to set tasks clearly and improved interaction with colleagues)
  • Improve personal relationships
  • Improve climate/atmosphere of the team environment (business)
  • Improve negotiation skills (both at home and at work)

Who is this course for?

Employed people of 21-45 years who have the professional and personal need to take such a course. For those who appreciate the opportunity of not wasting time on offline meetings.

  • Those who constantly interact with people and in their professional context (in their team, with other departments, negotiations), and in interpersonal terms.
  • For those who feel a stagnation in their careers and understand that for further advancement they lack soft skills.
  • For top managers, heads of departments and middle-level managers who want to improve the effectiveness of their teams and their interaction with other departments.
  • For employees who feel that they cannot reach out to their managers and, therefore, feel uncomfortable.
  • For start-up entrepreneurs who want to build their business more thoughtfully in the field of working with employees.


Course Structure

The entire course is designed for 6 weeks. As part of this course, the following subsections will be available to you:

  • Video-lectures. Each topic of the module contains one or several video lectures that reveal the topic.
  • Workbook.  In Workbook you will find additional material, examples and links to extra materials. In the first module you will find the glossary.
  • Practice. You'll have 2 extensive practices.
  • Tests. You'll have 5 obligatory tests and selfchecking tests, final exam test..
  • Final Task. This work is verified by the authors with Peer Review Assignment.
  • Forum. In this course you'll  find standard weekly forums and special forums where you can ask questions to the instructor, specify errors and introduce yourself.

Course program


  • What is Constructive Communication?
  • Perception of Information and its Interpretation
  • Active Listening for proper understanding, and precise formulation of your thoughts
  • Feedback
  • Regulation of Emotions
  • Summarizing

Education results

What will you learn:

  • how to listen actively and to highlight the essence of your interlocutor’s statements.
  • how to form new constructive behaviors.
  • to articulate your thoughts clearly and in a structured way.
  • two different feedback techniques
  • to recognize and regulate emotional state.
  • different emotions regulating techniques.

Formed competencies

The ability to use various methods of effective communication; to give and receive constructive feedback; to regulate one's emotions in the process of communication; to actively approach the process of listening to another, thus speeding up interaction and increasing its effectiveness; to work in a national and international team as a member or team leader.

The ability to demonstrate practical skills to solve problems in the process of communication with other people; a systematic understanding of the topic of constructive communication and its use in the process of work and team management; a systematic understanding of technologies and processes in the field corresponding to the educational program; an in-depth understanding of the topic of effective and constructive interaction.

Отзывы о курсе

Hauer Olaf

Position: Visiting Professor at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of iNTG, Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V. (BDP) - Licensed Coach


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности при оплате до 2 марта - 2800, далее - 3600 ₽. 

The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 2800 Р.