course language
course duration
needed to educate
for credit at your university
All investors in the financial market including large invest companies and private investors face common challenges when they make asset allocation decisions: where to invest, how to fulfill their obligations and what risk to take.
This course will help you to gain skills in making investment decisions in the financial market in the short- and long-term perspective.
All investors in the financial market including large invest companies and private investors face common challenges when they make asset allocation decisions: where to invest, how to fulfill their obligations and what risk to take.
This course will help you to gain skills in making investment decisions in the financial market in the short- and long-term perspective.
The course consists of six modules, after studying which you will be able to:
Along the course we provide you with tasks and cases, they will help you to work on practical skills.
Life hacks from our experts will give you the opportunity to navigate the current trends in investment portfolio management.
By the end of the course students will be able not only to analyze the results of calculations by methods of analysis and draw conclusions, but also advise stakeholders on making investment decisions.
We welcome you to try on the role of investor and enjoy the learner experience!
The course includes video lectures, interviews with experts, case studies that help you develop practical skills.
Module 1. The Nature of Financial Investment, Uncertainty and the Rationale for Regulation
Module 2. Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis
Module 3. Asset Management
Module 4. The Capital Market Pricing Model
Module 5. International Diversification
Module 6. Recent Trends in Asset & Wealth Management
course language
course duration
needed to educate
for credit at your university
По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.
Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 2800 ₽.
A participant certificate is usually issued upon reaching 60 % of the overall rating, subject to the delivery of works before a hard deadline. The honors certificate is usually issued upon reaching 90 % of the overall rating, subject to the delivery of the work before the soft deadline.