  • English

    course language

  • 13 weeks

    course duration

  • from 3 to 4 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 2 credit points

    for credit at your university

In our course, you will become familiar with the basic concepts of renewable energy. Get an idea about the basics of determining the potential of renewable energy resources, including its territorial, temporal and climatic variability.


We paid great attention to the study of modern technologies for converting solar, wind and hydropower, as well as to operating modes of power plants based on renewables in power supply systems for autonomous and grid consumers. Within the framework of the concept of sustainable development, analysis and quantitative comparison of the environmental impacts of organic, nuclear and renewable energy is carried out. The use of design, financial and economic management tools, taking into account the development of innovative technologies for creating renewable energy equipment, allows to optimize the parameters and increase the efficiency of projects.

The course contains a large number of practical tasks to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills in the field of using renewable energy sources.


Видеолекции, конспеты, практические задания, тесты

Course program

Module 1. Current state and development trends of renewable energy sources in the world

  • Lesson 1. Current state and development trends of the fuel and energy complex.
  • Lesson 2. Analysis of world consumption of traditional and renewable energy sources.
  • Lesson 3. Sources of renewable energy. Climate change and their impact on renewable energy resources.

Module 2. Renewable energy resource assessment

  • Lesson 4. Water resources, distribution and use. Hydropower potential of rivers. Hydraulic energy use schemes.
  • Lesson 5. Wind flow and its formation. Wind flow characteristics and determination of the main parameters of a wind power plant.
  • Lesson 6. Solar radiation and its characteristics for energy use.

Module 3. Renewable energy conversion technologies

  • Lesson 7. Types of hydropower plants. The main parameters of the hydroelectric power station and their definition. Energy conversion and hydroelectric equipment.
  • Lesson 8. Types and features of wind power plants. Wind power station. Systemic wind energy and its functioning in the power system.
  • Lesson 9. Converting solar energy into heat and electricity.
  • Lesson 10. Modes of operation of facilities based on renewable energy sources in the network.
  • Lesson 11. Principles of design of facilities based on renewable energy sources.

Module 4. Use of RES complexes for autonomous power supply

  • Lesson 12. Preconditions for the integrated use of renewable energy sources and the creation of energy complexes.
  • Lesson 13. Principles of operation of energy complexes based on renewable energy sources.
  • Lesson 14. Operating modes of energy complexes based on renewable energy sources in autonomous generation.
  • Lesson 15. Energy-economic substantiation of energy complexes based on traditional and renewable energy sources.

Module 5. Economics and ecology of renewable energy sources

  • Lesson 16. Indicators and performance criteria for energy projects in the power and energy markets.
  • Lesson 17. Efficiency of RES projects, taking into account risks and spatial and temporal variability of resources.
  • Lesson 18. Renewable energy and the concept of sustainable development.
  • Lesson 19. Assessment of the environmental impact factors of RES facilities.

Education results

  • Students will be able to form a system of knowledge about the current state and promising technologies of renewable energy sources.
  • Students will be able to choose operating modes for supplying power to individual farms and large consumers in power systems.

Education directions

Кудряшева Ирина Григорьевна

Кандидат технических наук
Position: Доцент Высшей школы гидротехнического и энергетического строительства, ИСИ


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности при оплате до 2 марта - 2 800, далее - 3600 ₽.

The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 2800 Р.

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