  • English

    course language

  • 8 weeks

    course duration

  • from 3 to 4 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 2 credit points

    for credit at your university

SPRING IS THE MOST POPULAR WEB JAVA FRAMEWORK. Spring's libraries are trusted by developers all over the world in innovative solutions like streaming TV, connected cars, online shopping etc. That is why studying Spring is an urgent task facing a novice web developer. Our course is for anyone interested in Web Development and java.


WE will go over the main parts of this framework in detail - developing RESTFul Web Services using Spring MVC and Hibernate CRUD.

After completing our course, YOU will understand Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control and how to access data using Hibernate. YOU will be able to develop a Web Application using Spring MVC and develop RESTFul Web Services.

Web developers receive one of the highest salaries due to companies competing for professionals. Knowledge of Spring is one of the most common requirements for a Java developer job. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to start a career in programming and become a full-fledged developer of corporate web applications, who can design modern reliable high-load services.

Students wishing to study in this course should have the basic knowledge of Java programming, XML, JSON, Web Development and SQL queries.

Let's develop applications with Java Spring Framework!

Education results

  1. Understand the Dependency Injection, Inversion of control and how to access data using Hibernate.
  2. Be able to develop a web application with Spring MVC and to develop a RESTFul Web Services.

Sinev Mikhail Petrovich

Doctor of Technical science
Position: Chief developer of I-Teco VTs LLC

Martyshkin Alexey Ivanovich

Doctor of Technical science
Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Computing Machines and Systems


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности при оплате до 1 сентября - 2300, до 15 сентября - 2800, далее - 3600 ₽. 

A participant certificate is usually issued upon reaching 60 % of the overall rating, subject to the delivery of works before a hard deadline. The honors certificate is usually issued upon reaching 90 % of the overall rating, subject to the delivery of the work before the soft deadline.