
Protists: Evolution and Ecology of Microbial Eukaryotes

21 декабря 2022 - 25 декабря 2024 г.
Курс уже начался
61 день
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  • Английский

    язык курса

  • от 6 до 7 недель

    длительность курса

  • от 2 до 3 часов в неделю

    понадобится для освоения

  • 1 зачётная единица

    для зачета в своем вузе

  • Стоимость 3 600 Р

    за обучение

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.


О курсе

Life on Earth appears to be dominated by higher plants and animals. Yet an immense variety of microbial eukaryotes swarm in the foliage, grass, soil, bogs, ponds, streams, lakes, and oceans. These inconspicuous organisms are flagellates, algae, ciliates, sarcodines, slime molds, apicomplexans. This assemblage is generally termed the protists.

Our course is to build a comprehensive picture of protistan diversity. The major steps of eukaryotic evolution will be in focus. By tracking phylogenetic affinities in protistan lineages we will elucidate the major branches on the tree of eukaryotic life. 

Many protists are unicellular. This single cell is simultaneously a self-sufficient organism, which is able to sense, move, feed, and repulse an attack on its own. Therefore, protistan cells often demonstrate greater complexity of organelles, structures, and controls than the specialized cells of metazoan animals and higher plants. We will explore how free-living and parasitic unicells implement locomotion, food acquisition, digestion, osmotic regulation, and how they accomplish their life cycle. We also will look into how protists interact with the environment and manage to be biological success.



The course is taught completely online.


Level of English: B1.

Программа курса

1. Basics

2. Amoeboid protists

3. Flagellates

4. Apicomplexans

5. Ciliates

6. Protists and eukaryotic evolution

Результаты обучения

Within the six modules, we will speak of (1) what protists are, (2) flagellates, (3) sarcodines and slime molds, (4) ciliates, (5) apicomplexans and microsporidians, and (6) finally we will go over the modern phylogeny, will summarize life histories and discuss evolutionary trends in free-living and parasitic protists. This online course will have an optional on-campus extension, when the students have one week of practical exercises in the lab. Using light microscopy, they will observe, explore, and document live specimens and fixed mounts of naked and testate amoebas, foraminiferans, radiolarians, heliozoans, myxomycetes, flagellates, ciliates, gregarines, and coccidians.

Формируемые компетенции

The discipline is aimed at the formation of universal competencies of students in the educational programs of the bachelor's / specialist's degree, as well as other competencies provided for by the educational program.

Направления подготовки

портрет преподавателя

Князева Ольга Валерьевна

Должность: Postgraduate

Гранович Андрей Игоревич

Должность: Профессор, заведующий кафедрой зоологии беспозвоночных

портрет преподавателя

Климов Владимир Игоревич

Должность: assistent

портрет преподавателя

Удалов Илья Андреевич

Должность: assistent

портрет преподавателя

Korsun Sergei

Должность: PhD Candidate in Biological Sciences

портрет преподавателя

Zlatogursky Vasiliy

Должность: PhD Candidate in Biological Sciences


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.

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