

34 days
Before the end of the enrollment
  • English

    course language

  • 10 weeks

    course duration

  • from 4 to 6 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 3 credit points

    for credit at your university

We invite you to the amazing trip to the skin. You will learn about the structure and functions of your skin, how does it change and interact with the environment. We will talk about different skin diseases, as well as how to treat them.

This course will be interesting not only for people from the medical field, but also for those who are interested in their health and their skin. Let's take a trip to the skin together!


We invite you to the amazing trip to the skin.

You will learn about the structure and functions of your skin, how does it change and interact with the environment.

In our course, we will talk about different skin diseases, as well as how to treat them.

You will learn how the skin changes with age, understand the specific issues typical for the skin in different ages, and find out the effective ways to treat your skin with care.

You will also look at the human skin with a dermatologist’s eye and see some practical examinations done by the practitioner. 

This course will be interesting and useful not only for people from the medical field, but also for those who are interested in their health and their skin


The course consists of 10 modules (10 weeks).

Weekly activities include:

·   watching videolectures;

·   answering ungraded quiz questions to make sure that the student understands the lecture material;

·   reading additional materials;

·   completing weekly graded quizzes which contribute to the final grade. 

Also, the students have to pass the final test at the end of the course to evaluate their overall knowledge of the course material.

In English:

Trip with skin. 

Interactive map and resources on key topics in dermatovenerology


In Russian:

 1. Скрипкин Ю.К. Кожные и венерические болезни [Электронный ресурс] : учебник / Ю.К. Скрипкин, А.А. Кубанова, В.Г. Акимов  2012. - 544 с.: ил.

Режим доступа:


2. Кожные и венерические болезни : учебник : для студентов медицинских вузов / Ю.К. Скрипкин, А.А. Кубанова, В.Г. Акимов .— Москва : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2012 .— 538 с. : ил. ; 21 см. — Авт. на корешке не указаны .— ISBN 978-5-9704-1993-9, 10 экз.

3. Чеботарев В.В. Дерматовенерология [Электронный ресурс] : учебник / В.В. Чеботарёв, О.Б. Тамразова, Н.В. Чеботареёа, А.В. Одинец - Москва: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2013 - 584 с. : ил.

Режим доступа:


Course program

Module 1. Trip to skin: its structure and functions

1.1. The largest human organ

1.2. Epidermis

1.3. Dermis

1.4. Hair

1.5. Sweat glands

1.6. Sebaceous glands

Module 2. The skin and the environment: the effects of radiation and temperature

2.1. Solar radiation

2.2. Ionizing radiation

2.3. Cold temperature


Module 3. How does the skin interacts with nature?

3.1. Plants

3.2. Water

3.3. Air humidity


Module  4. Skin in different ages

4.1. Infant skin

4.2. Children skin. UV radiation and nevi

4.3. Skin changes during pregnancy

4.4. Adult skin. Sensitive skin and other specific problems


Module 5. Teenage skin issues

5.1. Teenage skin. Tan and tattoo

5.2. Acne


Module  6. Inflammatory skin diseases

6.1. Psoriasis

6.2. Atopic dermatitis

6.3. Seborrheic dermatitis

6.4. Eczema

6.5. Vitiligo


Module 7. Infections and skin

7.1. Bacterial infections

7.2. Viral infections

7.3. Scabies

7.4. Insect bites

7.5. Cutaneous larva migrans

7.6. Syphilis, tuberculosis and leprosy


Module 8. Nails and fungal infections

8.1. Nails

8.2. Fungal infections

8.3. Diagnosis of onychomycosis (Practical video)


Module 9. Skin aging and skincare

9.1. Skin aging

9.2. Skin care. Acne and skin aging (Practical video)

9.3. Skin care. Moisturizing and sun protection (Practical video)

9.4. Assessment of moisture and pigment in the skin (Practical video)


Module 10. Some more practical examinations

10.1. Ultrasonography of the skin. What can a dermatologist see? (Practical video)

10.2. Dermatoscopy. Practical examination of nevi (Practical video)

10.3. Ultrasonography of the skin with atopic dermatitis (Practical video)

Education results

The students who completed the course successfully, will acquire the following knowledge and skills:

  • Knowing the structure and main functions of the skin as the largest of human organs

  • Understanding the effects of the environment (temperature, radiation, humidity, water, plants) on human skin

  • Being able to differentiate the specific age-related issues of child, teenage, adult and aging skin

  • Knowing the main skin infections and diseases, their symptoms and treatment strategies

  • Understanding the principles of skincare

  • Knowing the instruments for the practical examination of human skin by a dermatologist

Formed competencies

PC-1. Z-1. Know the age and sexual characteristics of the development of organs and systems

PC-1. Z-2. Know the risk groups for developing diseases (genetic, occupational, environmental factors, etc.)

PC-5. Z-1. Know the main pathological conditions, symptoms and syndromes according to the training profile

Education directions

The cost is 3600 rubles. You can pay for training in the "My courses" section in your personal account.

Sergeeva Irina

Doctor of Medical Sciences
Position: Professor at the Department of Fundamental medicine Novosibirsk State University

course completion certificate


It is possible to get a certificate for this course.

The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 3600 Р.

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