
Space Weather: Environmental Impact Assessment

8 декабря 2022 - 31 декабря 2025 г.
Курс уже начался
276 дней
До конца записи
  • Английский

    язык курса

  • 6 недель

    длительность курса

  • от 4 до 5 часов в неделю

    понадобится для освоения

  • 2 зачётных единицы

    для зачета в своем вузе

  • Стоимость 3 600 Р

    за обучение

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.

Space weather events such as solar energetic particle events and geomagnetic storms, as well as geomagnetic field weakening, can greatly affect the Earth's environment (radiation environment, ozone depletion, atmospheric chemistry, and surface temperature variations) and pose a serious threat to today's technological society.

О курсе

The purpose of studying the discipline: to give students a modern picture of knowledge about the Sun and solar activity, about the impact of energetic particles (of solar and cosmic origin) on processes in the Earth's atmosphere. Separately, paying attention to the risks associated with extreme events on the Sun and in outer space on the state of the ozone layer and surface temperature, assessing the degree of danger to the environment.

The course will introduce students to various sources and energies of particles that precipitate into the Earth's atmosphere; processes of atmosphere ionization by protons of galactic cosmic rays, solar energy particles, high-energy and relativistic electrons; consideration of the mechanisms of the impact of energetic particles on the Earth's atmosphere, including chemical changes in the upper and middle layers of the polar atmosphere, dynamic and radiation processes in the Earth's atmosphere, as well as the formation of the Earth's climate.

The acquired knowledge and skills will allow students to independently determine the level of danger during extreme solar events and geomagnetic storms, inversions and excursions of the geomagnetic field, assess these threats and assess the degree of danger to the environment and society.


The form of education is online. Weekly classes will include watching thematic video lectures, studying additional materials and completing tests with automated verification of results. All assignments must be completed to obtain a certificate.


No prior experience required.

Программа курса

Module 1. Sun and solar system, solar activity, galactic and solar cosmic rays, Earth's magnetosphere, geomagnetic storms and substorms, auroral and relativistic electrons.


Module 2. Energetic particles and their impact on the environment and the Earth's atmosphere. Characteristics of interplanetary space associated with precipitation of protons and electrons. Registration of energetic particles: ground-based measurements, balloon measurements, satellite measurements.


Module 3. Structure of the Earth's atmosphere, atmospheric ionization, chemical processes in the Earth's atmosphere, atmospheric ozone. Impact on the atmosphere of electromagnetic radiation of the Sun. Dynamic and radiation processes in the Earth's atmosphere, the formation of the Earth's climate.


Module 4. Cosmic rays, solar modulation of cosmic rays. Geomagnetic shielding. Cosmic rays in the Earth’s atmosphere. Solar proton events and extreme ionization.


Module 5. Structure and chemical composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. Radiation and chemical processes in the Earth’s atmosphere. Atmospheric ozone. Dynamics in the Earth’s atmosphere. Climate forming factors.


Module 6. Influence of the Solar electromagnetic radiation on the atmosphere, ozone layer and climate. Influence of the energetic particles on the atmosphere, atmospheric chemistry, ozone layer and climate. Influence of the Solar protons during geomagnetic reversal time.

Результаты обучения

At the completion of this course, students will...


Be able to:

  1. Use the acquired knowledge in their research activities;
  2. Assess the risks associated with the radiation environment created by solar activity and space weather.



  1. The main characteristics of the Sun and solar activity, the interplanetary medium and outer space;
  2. The main sources and energies of particles precipitating into the Earth's atmosphere;
  3. The structure of the Earth's atmosphere, chemical, dynamic and radiation processes in the Earth's atmosphere, the principles of the formation of the Earth's climate.


  1. Knowledge of modern problems of solar-terrestrial physics;
  2. A conscious understanding of the necessary protection during work, or in work conditions associated with extreme events of cosmic and solar origin.

Формируемые компетенции

ОПК-1 – способность решать стандартные задачи профессиональной деятельности с учетом основных требований безопасности; ОПК-3 - способность использовать в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности элементы естественнонаучного и математического знания;

ОК-1 – использовать основы знаний для формирования позиции; ОК-5 – способность коммуникации в устной и письменных формах для задач межличностного общения; ОК-7 – способность к самообразованию.

Направления подготовки

Отзывы о курсе

Mironova Irina

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD) (Russia) and Dr. rerum naturalium (Germany)
Должность: St. Petersburg State University, Senior Researcher

Rozanov Eugene

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD) (Russia)
Должность: Senior Research Fellow PMOD/WRC, Switzerland St. Petersburg State University, Leading Researcher

Usoskin Ilya

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD) (Russia)
Должность: Professor at the University of Oulu, Finland


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.

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