
Legal Aspects of Conducting Business in Russia

27 марта 2023 - 31 декабря 2025 г.
Курс уже начался
294 дня
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    язык курса

  • от 4 до 5 недель

    длительность курса

  • от 4 до 5 часов в неделю

    понадобится для освоения

  • 2 зачётных единицы

    для зачета в своем вузе

  • Стоимость 3 600 Р

    за обучение

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.

The course gives a general overview on the most important issues such as: Russian political, legal and judicial systems, foreign investment policy, foreign trade, most common forms of legal presence in Russia for foreign investors, regulation on business activity in Russia etc

О курсе

The entrepreneur constantly functions in the legal field: creates his enterprise, acquires property, concludes transactions, interacts with control and supervisory state bodies and bodies of the judicial system. Success of business and fate of the entrepreneur himself depend on the choice of the form of entrepreneurial activity, knowledge of his or her rights and obligations, on the correct response to legal and illegal actions of employees of government and management. That is why knowledge of law and ability to use legal tools in order to achieve goals are important for an entrepreneur no less than knowledge in the field of economics, finance and management.


The course is taught completely online.


Level of English: B1.

Программа курса

1. General information for conducting bussiness in Russia

2. Legal status of foreign nationals

3. Setting up a new bussines

4. Foreign trade and investment

5. Judiciary system

Результаты обучения

Upon completing this course, the learner will:

  1. Gain insights into the political and legal framework that shapes business operations in Russia.

  2. Navigate the judicial system and understand its implications for business activities.

  3. Comprehend the nuances of Russia's foreign investment policy.

  4. Navigate foreign trade regulations and understand their impact on business operations.

  5. Evaluate and choose the most suitable legal presence for foreign investors in Russia.

  6. Understand the legal implications of different business structures.

  7. Gain in-depth knowledge of the regulatory environment governing business activities in Russia.

  8. Navigate compliance requirements and understand legal obligations.

  9. Understand the legal considerations when creating an enterprise, acquiring property, and concluding transactions.

  10. Develop skills to effectively interact with control and supervisory state bodies

Формируемые компетенции

The discipline is aimed at the formation of universal competencies of students in the educational programs of the bachelor's / specialist's degree, as well as other competencies provided for by the educational program.

ПКП-1. Способен принимать решения и совершать юридические действия в точном соответствии с законом.
ПКП-2. Способен юридически правильно квалифицировать факты и обстоятельства.
УК-2. Способен определять круг задач в рамках поставленной цели и выбирать оптимальные способы их решения, исходя из действующих правовых норм, имеющихся ресурсов и ограничений.

Направления подготовки

Отзывы о курсе

Жмулина Диана Александровна

Кандидат юридических наук, доцент
Должность: Доцент


По данному курсу возможно получение сертификата.

Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.

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