
Global Talent Management

Learn how to manage talents with SPbU!

5 июня 2023 - 31 декабря 2025 г.
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279 дней
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  • 3 зачётных единицы

    108 академических часов

  • Стоимость 7 560 Р

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In this programme, leading experts in the sphere of talent management will help you build an effective team and bring value to your organisation by enhancing the quality of human capital.

О программе

Why is talent management important?

Nowadays every manager is talent manager as they deal with people and teams despite professional/functional areas of employment. One of the key challenges for global managers is to identify, develop and retain the right people to achieve firm’s strategic goals and create competitive advantage. Talent management competence provides necessary conditions for effective leadership and performance results. 

This online programme is designed to provide students with an understanding of the strategies and practices used by organisations to attract, develop, and retain top talent from around the world. The programme contains theoretical and practical aspects of global talent management highlighting the role of talented employees and human capital at different levels of organizational behavior to ensure a firm’s sustainable growth, innovative breakthrough  and competitive  advantage in the global environment. 


What topics are we going to cover? Who is teaching the programme?

  • We will discuss talent management concepts and approaches, macro talent management perspective, as well as how leading companies manage their talent pool, and what challenges global talent management faces in our turbulent world with Marina Latukha, professor of the Department of Organisational Behaviour and Personnel Management.

  • Fabian Froese, chair professor of Human Resource Management and Asian Business at Gottingen University will discuss talent mobility and expatriation. 

  • Svetla Marinova, professor in Aalborg University will talk about culturally diverse employees. 

  • Maria Elo, associate professor at University of Southern Denmark will present a module about managing diasporas. 

  • We will overview the specific features of talent management in different contexts: Asia, Latin America, New Zealand, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia. 

  • Laura Maclennan,  professor in Business at Centro Universitario FEI in Brazil, will present the overview of talent management in Latin America. 

  • Snejina Michailova, Professor of International Business, the University of Auckland, will highlight talent management in small advanced economies (with Australia and New Zealand perspective).


The programme is taught online and includes recorded lectures, tests, and additional materials.


  • The program does not require any additional knowledge or skills.
  • Программа обучения

    Course 1: “Talent Management in Global Organization”

    Module 1. Talent Management: Concept, Approaches, and Practices.

    Module 2. Macro Talent Management.

    Module 3. Talent Management Practices in Leading Companies.

    Module 4. Talent Management Challenges and Perspectives in a Turbulent World.


    Course 2: “Managing Diverse Talent”

    Module 1. Global Mobility.

    Module 2. Managing Culturally Diverse Employees.

    Module 3. Managing Diasporas.

    Module 4. Gender-Diverse Talent Management.


    Course 3: “Creating Talent Leadership in Different Contexts”

    Module 1. Talent Management in Asia.

    Module 2. Talent Management in Latin America.

    Module 3. Talent Management in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. 

    Module 4. Talent Management in Australia and New Zealand.

    Результаты обучения

    Upon completion of this programme learners will know:

    • different concepts and perspectives of global talent management;

    • the strategic role of talent management practices in realization of business strategies;

    • the basics of macro talent management.


    Upon completion of this programme learners will be able to:

    • develop systematic approach to understanding correlation between talent management and a firm’s performance, competitive advantage and sustainable organizational growth;

    • navigate between different concepts of talent management in diverse environments;

    • work in a team and make effective decisions in global talent management area.


    Upon completion of this programme learners will master the following skills:

    • assessing talent management practices in various work environments;

    • managing culturally diverse employees;

    • resolving potential problems and issues regarding the talent management practice.

    Направления подготовки

    Латуха Марина Олеговна

    Доктор экономических наук
    Должность: доцент кафедры организационного поведения и управления персоналом

    The certificate is issued upon completion of the graded tasks of the programme (tests).

    Курсы в программе