
Arabic for Beginners. Part 4

30 January 2023 - 31 December 2025 г.
The course has already started
343 days
Before the end of the enrollment
  • English

    course language

  • 5 weeks

    course duration

  • from 3 to 4 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 1 credit points

    for credit at your university

  • Cost 3 600 Р

    for studying


Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.

In this part of our course you will continue mastering your vocabulary and will enrich your knowledge of grammar as well as develop your communicative skills. 


The course was developed by teachers and professors of St. Petersburg State University who have many years of experience of teaching Arabic.

Our course consists of 5 modules. Each module includes information about grammar rules, and vocabulary as well as videos which will help you to develop your pronunciation and communicative skills in Arabic.  

The course also includes grammar drills and assignments so you may prove your knowledge and learn how far you have advanced in studying Arabic.

Please pay attention to the assignments and tasks that you must complete, and which are very important when learning the language. And besides that please remember that the success largely depends on how regularly and thoroughly you study the teaching material.

We wish you good luck and success!


Online course


Students who join this course are supposed to complete the courses "Arabic for Beginners. Part 1", "Arabic for Beginners. Part 2",  "Arabic for Beginners. Part 3".

Course program

Module 1

1.1 Assimilated Verbs. Verbal sentences

1.2 Family and Work

Module 2

2.1 Hollow Verbs. The Verb Kāna and Its “Sisters”

2.2 At the Doctor's

Module 3

3.1 Hollow Verbs (Continued). Sentences with the Modal Verbs

3.2 National Сuisine

Module 4

4.1 Geminate Verbs. Sentences with Modal Verbs (Continued)

4.2 Biography

Module 5

5.1 Hamza Spelling Rules. Hamzated Verbs. Sentences with the Inceptive Verbs

5.2 Travel

Education results

In the grammar part you will learn about assimilated verbs, verbal sentences, hollow verbs. the verb kāna and its “sisters”, sentences with the modal verbs, geminate verbs, hamza spelling rules, hamzated verbs. sentences with the inceptive verbs.

As for the vocabulary, in this course we will show you the dialogues to the following topics: Family and Work, At the Doctor's, National Сuisine, Biography, Travel.

Formed competencies

Владение культурой мышления, способностью к обобщению, восприятию информации, постановке цели и выбору путей ее достижения (ОК-3).

Способность использовать основные положения и методы социальных, гуманитарных и экономических наук при решении социальных и профессиональных задач (ОК-8).

Способность решать стандартные задачи профессиональной деятельности теолога на основе информационной и библиографической культуры с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий и с учетом основных требований информационной безопасности (ОПК-1).

Способность подбирать, систематизировать и анализировать материал в соответствии с объектами профессиональной деятельности выпускника (ПК-8).

Владение культурой мышления, способность аргументировано и ясно строить устную и письменную речь (ОК-4).

Способность использовать в социальной сфере, в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности навыки работы с компьютером (OK-5).

Способность применять полученные знания в области теории и истории литературы (литератур) и изучаемого иностранного языка (языков), теории коммуникации, филологического анализа и интерпретации текста в собственной научно-исследовательской деятельности (ПК-6).

Education directions

Отзывы о курсе

Берникова Ольга Александровна

Кандидат филологических наук
Position: доцент кафедры арабской филологии

Редькин Олег Иванович

Доктор филологических наук
Position: профессор, заведующий кафедрой арабской филологии


It is possible to get a certificate for this course.

The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 3600 Р.

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