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needed to educate
for credit at your university
for studying
Russian is considered one of the most difficult languages in the world, and many learners struggle to master its grammar and pronunciation. This course is aimed at those who want to work in Russia, do business with Russian partners or study business-related majors in Russian.
Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free viewing. All course materials will be available after certification payment.
Due to payment restrictions with Russian banks, you are kindly advised to make the payment and enroll in the same course on the XuetangX platform.
In three units of this course learners are going to find out how to estimate sales volumes, discuss terms of contracts and resolve problems occurring in their business activities.
The course is the final part of Business Russian Communication series of courses offered by St Petersburg State University. This part introduces such grammar topics as comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, the use of construction 'у меня получилось' and 'мне удалось', how to express objectives with the words чтобы and за, the use of prepositions в – из, на – с, к – от with verbs of motion, the use of particle бы and constructions with поэтому and потому что. Learners can practice their skills and test themselves in Grammar quiz section.
The course provides extensive vocabulary with more than 100 new words and conversational phrases which learners can use in their everyday communication on professional or informal topics.
Each unit of the course contains dialogues, which are extremely useful for those who wants to listen to original Russian speech and get used to the pace and intonations of Russian language. Scripts and exercises are provided for all dialogues of the course.
In the end of the course learners will have a chance to use the material leant and assess their progress while preparing the Final Assignment.
This course is aimed at those who already achieved A2-A2+ level in Russian.
The course is taught completely online.
This course is aimed at those who already achieved the A2-A2+ level in Russian.
Unit 1. Sales
Unit 2. Concluding the Contract
Unit 3. Conflicts and Difficult Situations
Final Assignment
Upon completion of this course learners will achieve the following objectives:
1.1 To learn how to use adjectives and adverbs in Comparative or Superlative forms
1.2 To learn how to discuss prices and terms of cooperation with business partners
1.3 To learn how to use constructions у меня получилось / мне удалось
2.1 To use prepositions в – из, на – с, к – от with verbs of motion
2.2 To learn how to express objectives using чтобы and за
2.3 To learn how to discuss terms of contract
3.1 To learn how to use constructions with потому что and поэтому
3.2 To learn how to use constructions with particle бы
3.3 To learn how to discuss problems and resolve conflicts
4.1 To learn how to suggest solutions for business problems
4.2 To learn how to describe business problems
4.3 To learn how to write letters of complaint
УК-6: Способен воспринимать межкультурное разнообразие общества в социально-историческом, этическом и философском контекстах
ОПК-1: Способен осуществлять эффективную коммуникацию в мультикультурной профессиональной среде на государственном языке Российской Федерации и иностранном(ых) языке(ах) на основе применения понятийного аппарата по профилю деятельности.
ОПК-3: Способен выделять, систематизировать и интерпретировать содержательно значимые эмпирические данные из потоков информации, а также смысловые конструкции в оригинальных текстах и источниках по профилю деятельности.
course language
course duration
needed to educate
for credit at your university
for studying
Position: Author of Business Russian Communication Courses and Teaching Materials
It is possible to get a certificate for this course.
The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 3600 Р.