язык курса
длительность курса
понадобится для освоения
для зачета в своем вузе
за обучение
Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.
This course is an expanded version of the well-known and popular course “Chinese for Beginners" by St. Petersburg State University. The course was divided into 5 steps for better progress and greater flexibility of learning. Each step will take the learners to the A1-A2 level of the Chinese language.
This course is an expanded version of the well-known and popular course “Chinese for Beginners" by St. Petersburg State University. The course was divided into 5 steps for better progress and greater flexibility of learning. Each step will take the learners to the A1-A2 level of the Chinese language. The course includes:
vocabulary and character writing, including the order of strokes;
grammar with detailed explanations and examples;
examples of conversational phrases;
animated dialogues which demonstrate how the course material can be applied in communication;
various exercises that should be completed in order to revise the course material;
various text materials in the section "This is Interesting", telling about the history of the language, the Chinese culture, traditions and habits of the Chinese, etc. In this section will, learners can find a large list of recommended reading for those who are interested in China.
The second course consists of the following grammatical topics: verbs 来 and 去, preposition 和, alternative questions, alternative statements, time, questions to the adverbial of time, separable verbs 'liheci', verb sequences with 去 , and 来, imperative sentences, animate nouns with the meaning of place, location words and constructions, modal verbs, causative verbs 让、叫、请, currency in China, verb doubling, question words 怎么样, 有点 and 一点, verbs with two objects, the preposition 给, 最 and更 in comparative constructions, two 了 in Chinese language, the sequence of actions in the past and the future.
The course includes:
vocabulary and character writing, including the order of strokes;
grammar with detailed explanations and examples;
examples of conversational phrases;
animated dialogues which demonstrate how the course material can be applied in communication;
various exercises that should be completed in order to revise the course material;
various text materials in the section "This is Interesting", telling about the history of the language, the Chinese culture, traditions and habits of the Chinese, etc. In this section will, learners can find a large list of recommended reading for those who are interested in China.
The first course consists of the following grammatical topics: the system of personal pronouns in Chinese, sentences with a qualitative adjective as a predicate, adverbs 也 and 都, numerals in Chinese, attribute, sentences with 是, the general principle of constructing special questions, the general scheme of constructing a sentence with a verb predicate, measure words and the order of attributes in Chinese, interrogative pronouns 什么 and 哪, the days of the week in Chinese, the adverbial of place, sentences with 有, questions with 好吗, the difference between 几 and 多少.
No prior experience required.
Week 1. Lesson 1. Part 1. Basic Elements of Communication
Week 2. Lesson 1. Part 2. Basic Elements of Communication
Week 3. Lesson 2. Part 1. Family
Week 4. Lesson 2. Part 4. Dates
Week 5. Lesson 3. Part 1. Personal Information
Week 6. Lesson 3. Part 2. Days of Week
Week 7. Lesson 4. Part 1. Free Time. Age
Week 8. Lesson 4. Part 2. Free Time. Age
At the end of a course series "Chinese Language. 5 Steps to Success" the student will learn the basic vocabulary and grammar of the Chinese language at the A2–B1 level according to the international framework of foreign language proficiency.
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
write about 500 basic characters and recognize them in the text;
understand phrases or short texts on familiar topics by ear;
participate in dialogues with a native speaker of the Chinese language on familiar topics without prior preparation;
read short texts in Chinese within the studied vocabulary range;
translate phrases from English into Chinese and backwards within the studied vocabulary range.
Upon completion of the course, the student should know:
the order of strokes in the studied characters;
grammar at the A2–B1 level.
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to use:
the most common vocabulary within the framework of the A2–B1 level (about 700 words);
oral and written language within the studied course material;
the methodology of independent language studying in order to improve the writing and speking skills.
Совместно с другими дисциплинами участвует в формировании следующих компетенций:
ОК-1 – готовность к критическому осмыслению явлений социальной и культурной жизни; способность к восприятию, анализу, обобщению информации, постановке цели и выбору путей ее достижения
ОК-3 – способность использовать в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности базовые знания в области гуманитарных, социальных и экономических наук
ОК-4 – владение культурой мышления, способность аргументировано и ясно строить устную и письменную речь
ОК-5 – способность использовать в социальной сфере, в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности навыки работы с компьютером
ПК-1 – способность демонстрировать знание основных положений и концепций в области теории и истории литературы (литератур) и основного изучаемого языка (языков), теории коммуникации, филологического анализа и интерпретации текста, представление об истории, современном состоянии и перспективах развития филологии
ПК-3 – владение базовыми навыками сбора и анализа литературных и языковых фактов с использованием традиционных методов и современных информационных технологий
ПК-6 – способность применять полученные знания в области теории и истории литературы (литератур) и изучаемого иностранного языка (языков), теории коммуникации, филологического анализа и интерпретации текста в собственной научно-исследовательской деятельности
язык курса
длительность курса
понадобится для освоения
для зачета в своем вузе
за обучение
Магистр востоковедения
Должность: старший преподаватель кафедры китайской филологии
Кандидат филологических наук
Должность: Кандидат филологических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой теории и методики преподавания языков и культур Азии и Африки
Стоимость прохождения процедур оценки результатов обучения с идентификацией личности - 3600 Р.