
Fundamentals of the Chinese Character Writing. Part 1

14 December 2022 - 31 December 2024 г.
The course has already started
20 days
Before the end of the enrollment
  • English

    course language

  • от 6 до 7 недель

    course duration

  • from 6 to 7 hours per week

    needed to educate

  • 1 credit points

    for credit at your university

  • Cost 3 600 Р

    for studying

Dear learners, please note that only part of the materials is available for free. All course materials will be available after certification payment.



The course gives a concise survey of the Chinese character-writing tradition. You’ll master the fundamentals of the Chinese writing aesthetics; learn about the main phases of the characters’ evolution and about the great calligraphers of the past. You are going to distinguish 6 types of the Chinese written symbols, become skilled in history of Chinese scripts and possibility of their modern usage. You’ll get the explanation of the 214 Chinese character radicals (the first part in Part 1 of the Course, the second — in Part 2) and can practice their writing, using the animated and static samples given in videos and on pages. Elaborate tests are going to help you regularizing the new information and filling the lacunae. 

During the course, students will get acquainted with the stages of the evolution of Chinese writing, the basic principles of writing hieroglyphs and the rules for the order of strokes, as well as groups of hieroglyphic radicals, which will greatly facilitate learning of hieroglyphics in the future.

Welcome to the mysterious world of the Chinese characters! You will definitely love it




This course may be of interest to bachelors, masters and graduate students of higher educational institutions, as well as to all those who are interested in the designated topic. The course will help potential employees to receive evidence-based information that gives a competitive advantage in their own employment.

Course program

This course consists of 6 modules:


  • Remeber different types of Chinese charcters
  • Learn several radicals and practice the writing
  • Use the tools mentioned in the unit to practice writing
  • List different materials used for inscriptions in Ancient China


  • Learn different styles of the Chinese writing
  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Wang Xizhi (王羲之, 303–361)
  • Practice three groups of the radicals


  • Learn eight princples of the characters 永
  • Maintain the main principles of the character-writing
  • Practice two groups of the radicals
  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Ouyang Xun ( 歐陽詢, 557–641)



  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Chu Suiliang (褚遂良) (597-658)
  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Yan Zhenqing ( 顏真卿) 709—785)
  • Practice two groups of the radicals


  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Liu Gongquan (柳公權)(778–865)
  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Huang Tingjian (黃庭堅)(1045-1105)
  • Practice two groups of radicals


  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Su Shi (蘇軾)
  • Learn the biography of famous master of calligraphy Zhao Mengfu (趙孟頫)
  • Practice two groups of radicals

Formed competencies

The discipline is aimed at the formation of universal competencies of students in the educational programs of the bachelor's / specialist's degree, as well as other competencies provided for by the educational program.

ОК-1. Готовность к критическому осмыслению явлений социальной и культурной жизни; способность к восприятию, анализу, обобщению информации, постановке цели и выбору путей ее достижения.

ОК-2. Готовность уважительно относиться к историческому наследию и культурным традициям, толерантно воспринимать социальные и культурные различия.

ОК-3. Способность использовать в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности базовые знания в области гуманитарных, социальных и экономических наук.

ОК-4. Владение культурой мышления, способность аргументировано и ясно строить устную и письменную речь.

ОК-5. Способность использовать в социальной сфере, в познавательной и профессиональной деятельности навыки работы с компьютером.

ПК-1. Способность демонстрировать знание основных положений и концепций в области теории и истории литературы (литератур) и основного изучаемого языка (языков), теории коммуникации, филологического анализа и интерпретации текста, представление об истории, современном состоянии и перспективах развития филологии.

ПК-3. Способность применять полученные знания в области теории и истории литературы (литератур) и изучаемого иностранного языка (языков), теории коммуникации, филологического анализа и интерпретации текста в собственной научно-исследовательской деятельности.

ПК-6. Владение базовыми навыками сбора и анализа литературных и языковых фактов с использованием традиционных методов и современных информационных технологий.

Education directions


Upon completion, the student should know the main groups of Chinese characters and the order in which they are written.


Upon completion, the student should be able to:

  • write and learn 214 Chinese radicals;
  • recognize the radicals in the composition of a complex hieroglyph.


Upon completion, the student should master the rules for writing and the order of the lines of Chinese characters.

Отзывы о курсе

Сторожук Александр Георгиевич

Доктор филологических наук, профессор
Position: заведующий кафедрой китайской филологии СПбГУ

Сомкина Надежда Александровна

Кандидат исторических наук
Position: доцент кафедры китайской филологии

Власова Наталья Николаевна

Магистр востоковедения
Position: старший преподаватель кафедры китайской филологии


It is possible to get a certificate for this course.

The cost of passing the procedures for assessing learning outcomes with personal identification - 3600 Р.

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